Can't Make It To Gym Daily? Try These Indoor Exercises To Burn Calories At Ease

Indoor exercise offers a plethora of calorie-burning options that are easy to implement within the confines of your home.   

Written by: Tanya Srivastava Updated at: Jul 20, 2023 17:09 IST

Staying fit and healthy doesn't always require a gym membership or expensive equipment. Indoor exercise provides a convenient and efficient way to burn calories and boost your overall well-being, right in the comfort of your home. Whether it's raining outside or you simply prefer the privacy of your living room, these calorie-torching activities will keep you active and energised.

Indoor Exercise To Burn Calories At Home

1. Jump Rope

This classic childhood activity is a fantastic calorie-burner. Just 15 minutes of jumping rope can burn up to 200 calories. It's a high-intensity cardio workout that engages your entire body, helping you shed those extra pounds while improving your coordination and endurance.

2. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts are a time-efficient way to burn calories and rev up your metabolism. These short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest keep your body in fat-burning mode even after the workout is over. Choose exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and squat jumps for a full-body calorie torcher.

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3. Dancing

Turn up the music and let loose! Dancing is a fun and enjoyable way to burn calories indoors. An hour of dancing can burn around 300-400 calories, depending on the intensity. Plus, it's a great stress reliever and can improve your mood.

4. Bodyweight Exercises

Push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks are excellent bodyweight exercises that target multiple muscle groups. They not only help you build strength and tone your body but also burn calories effectively. Create a simple circuit by doing each exercise for 30 seconds to one minute, with minimal rest in between, for an efficient calorie-burning session.

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5. Indoor Cycling

If you have a stationary bike at home, indoor cycling is a fantastic low-impact exercise that burns calories while being gentle on your joints. A 30-minute session can help you burn up to 300 calories and improve your cardiovascular health.

6. Yoga

Although yoga may not be as intense as some other exercises on this list, it can still aid in burning calories while improving flexibility and mindfulness. Certain dynamic styles of yoga, like Vinyasa or Power Yoga, can elevate your heart rate and help you burn around 200-300 calories per hour.

Remember to warm up before any exercise and cool down afterward to prevent injuries and aid in recovery. Stay hydrated and listen to your body's signals during your indoor workouts. Consistency is key, so try to incorporate these activities into your weekly routine to see the best results.


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