Signs That Your IVF Process Has Failed: Steps To Take Thereafter

A failed IVF process can be disheartening, but that should not discourage you from trying again. An IVF expert shares how you can cope.

Written by: Tenzin Chodon Updated at: Jul 21, 2023 17:25 IST

#KhushKhabriWithIVF: The inability to conceive or have children has given rise to social stigma, strained relationships, and feelings of isolation. However, with technological advancements, treatment and support are now more accessible. In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is one such development. When natural conception is not successful or feasible, IVF can offer a chance for individuals or couples to have a biological child by combining eggs and sperm outside the body and implanting the resulting embryo into the uterus. But IVF is not always successful. Due to several reasons it can fail and recognising the signs is important. 

In an interaction with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and IVF Expert; Director, Nurture Clinic, New Delhi, explains what a failed IVF is and how you can cope with it. 

Also Read: World IVF Day 2023: Different Technologies That Boost Chances Of A Successful Fertility Treatment

Understanding A Failed IVF And Its Causes

“Undergoing IVF can be an emotional and challenging journey,” says Dr Bajaj. 

According to the doctor, a failed IVF refers to a cycle in which a pregnancy does not occur despite the transfer of one or more embryos. “It is essential to remember that each person's fertility journey is unique, and one unsuccessful cycle does not dictate the chances of success in the future,” she adds. 

Some of the factors that lead to a failed IVF include:


Advanced maternal age can reduce the success rates of IVF due to diminished ovarian reserve and decreased egg quality. The Society for Reproductive Technology (SART), a professional body based primarily in the US, states that IVF success rates decline specifically after the mid-30’s.

"Part of this decline is due to a lower chance of getting pregnant from Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), and part is due to a higher risk of miscarriage with increasing age, especially over age 40," the health research body adds. 

Embryo quality

Poor-quality embryos may have reduced chances of successful implantation and development. One of the most common causes of poor-quality embryos is poor quality eggs. Other factors include poor quality sperm and poor quality lab.

Implantation issues

Factors such as an unfavourable uterine environment, endometrial lining issues, or immune system abnormalities can affect embryo implantation, says Dr Bajaj. "New methods of time-lapse imaging of embryos and assessment of their metabolic functions may improve selection of embryos for transfer, and subsequent outcomes for IVF patients, as well as for those diagnosed with RIF," says a study published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics

Ovarian response

Inadequate response to ovarian stimulation or a low number of retrieved eggs can impact the success of the IVF cycle. Poor ovarian response usually occurs due to premature ovarian ageing.

Sperm quality

Male factor infertility, including low sperm count or poor sperm motility, can contribute to a failed IVF cycle. According to Mayo Clinic, use of cocaine or marijuana, smoking alcohol use, emotional stress, depression, and obesity might reduce the number and quality of your sperm. 

Also Read: 6 Questions About IVF Cost That Couples May Want To Ask The Expert

Signs Your IVF Procedure Has Failed

Here are some of the signs that indicate a failed IVF:

  • Negative pregnancy test
  • Absence of pregnancy symptoms
  • No rise in hCG levels, a hormone found in pregnant women
  • The onset of menstruation
  • Empty gestational sac or blighted ovum, which occurs when an early embryo never develops or stops developing

Coping With A Failed IVF And Steps To Take

Dr Bajaj suggests these steps while seeking support:

  • Reach out to loved ones
  • Join infertility support groups
  • Seek professional counselling to process your feelings and regain hope

“Additionally, schedule a meeting with your fertility specialist to review and learn from the factors that may have contributed to the unsuccessful cycle,” says the doctor. 

“You must gain insights into potential adjustments or modifications that can be made for future attempts. Also, focus on optimising your overall health by making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, reducing stress, and avoiding harmful substances,” she adds. 

She suggests exploring additional treatment options with your fertility specialist, “such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) or assisted hatching, to enhance the chances of success in your next IVF cycle”. 

“Lastly, emotionally prepare yourself by embracing a positive mindset and renewed optimism,” she recommends. 

In addition, the doctor advises practising self-care, mindfulness, and indulging in stress-reduction techniques to cultivate emotional well-being. 

“Stay positive, stay hopeful, and continue to believe in the strength of your fertility journey,” she concludes.


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